Friday, July 6, 2007

The miracle of life...

Okay, so a few weeks ago, a bird built a nest in one of our hanging baskets. INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE!!! It's been quite an exciting time for us, checking on the nest every day, seeing one egg, then two, finally four. The mom AND the dad were in and out of the greenhouse multiple times a day, and grew to be quite tame. (it's not like they came and sat on my shoulder or anything, but we could lift the basket down and mommy would be sitting on the nest and stay in there while we were looking!)

And then...they hatched. For the first few days they were these tiny little pink things with buggy eyes...quite ugly, to be honest. And then they filled up the nest and grew their feathers and here they are...soooo cute!

Because the nest was inside the basket, we continued watering the basket but couldn't trim it back, as we do with our other baskets.

This picture shows how much more ginormous this basket is than our regular, trimmed, lovely sized baskets.

And a gratuitous picture of Angel's Trumpet...just because it is so beautiful.

p.s. The babies have since left the nest, learned how to fly, and made new lives for themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is SO COOL!