Friday, June 29, 2007

The wonder of nature...

Why don't I have anything to blog about? I think I've got blogger's block. Okay, surely I have something to blog about...let me think...

Nope, I've got nothing.

So I'll post some pictures instead! These are from Midnight Madness...if you don't know what that is, read back a couple of posts.

We don't usually get to see the greenhouse in the dark, since it's still light out when we close. The extra lamps we put up created some pretty great lighting.

An Angel's Trumpet tree...aka Brugmansia. So beautiful and it smells AMAZING!

One of our many lovely displays.

We have a pretty great greenhouse, if I do say so myself.

Emma and Gina... managerial staff extraordinaire!

Vinca vines. And Peter and Em in the background.

Mandevilla. It's kind of our specialty.

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