Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Things just work out for her!

It's been awhile since I posted, I know...I've been busy. April this year is going to be a not so much fun month. 4 of my 6 classes don't have finals...I know, that sounds great, right? Well, actually it's not. It just means that 4 out of 6 of my classes have tons of extra work due intermittently throughout the month. No fun. I think I would rather just write the finals. (I never thought I'd say that after last semester's exam schedule from H***. 5 finals in 3 jokes. And that was the same weekend as our choir concert opened, so from Wednesday to Monday I had 2 dress rehearsals, wrote a paper, wrote 5 finals, and performed in 5 choir concerts. I could not have done it on my own strength!)

Anyway, I was reading the world's most boring article about Canadian Confederacy for one of my classes just now when my boss called. She's been trying to find someone to hire whose schedule matches what we need. I have wanted to ask for some time off during finals but we're really short for people until we hire someone. Well, one of the girls that used to work for us called and she's in town for a couple of weeks and is wondering if we need some help. So I get a couple of weeks off! Hooray! (I'll still be working a bit at Day Grow, as we open on the 21st!)

Okay, so my point was that my boss has the most amazing luck. We needed to hire someone before Christmas and then...a girl that used to work for us came back! This time we really will need to hire someone, what with me cutting back my hours and the girl that came back before Christmas just left too. But anyway, things just work out for my boss! And this time, it benefitted me as well!

Yay...more time to study....yuck.

In other news, 5 DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Speaking of birthdays, here are some pictures of a few of us out for our friend Colleen's birthday a couple weeks ago.

Colleen and me

Joanna, Colleen, and me

Tracy, Jenn, and Leticia


Just Me said...

You sounded so thrilled on the phone this morning! :) I have to say that I miss the learning at school but not the studying. I have a nice pic of us giels from Torry's b-day that I should send to you.

Just Me said...

apparently, I need a spelling lesson as girls is not spelled giels-maybe I was mixing angels and girls (cause we are:)