Monday, April 2, 2007

Apparently I'm Weird...

Or so some people seem to think.

"Here are the rules: Each player of this game starts with the 'six weird things about me' blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post, tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog."

1. I love peeling hard boiled eggs. Last week at work my coworker said she had to peel 14 dozen hb'd eggs for sandwiches for a funeral and I volunteered to help her. She couldn't believe I actually wanted to help her!

2. Sometimes, if I feel like I need an emotional outlet (a.k.a. a good cry), I put in a Hallmark movie called Ellen Foster and pretty much bawl through the whole movie. It's about a girl whose mother dies and whose dad is this awful man and she gets passed around from one relative to the next but no one really wants her. It's heartbreaking.

3. I've been preparing my whole life to be a teacher. Now that I'm in the college and am so immersed in studying educational foundations of theory and practice, it seems to affect my every thought. Last night I was watching Happy Feet (while working on lesson plans)...I don't know if you guys have seen it or not but a lot of the movie is about penguins and finding their "heartsong." The main penguin, Mumble, can't sing so during penguin school they make him stand at the back of the class and listen but not participate. I found myself thinking about inclusion of students with disabilities in the classroom and how the Adaptive Dimension could be applied to work for that student.

4. In the last 6 months or so, I've developed this strange fear of falling down the stairs. It affects me every time I have to go down a staircase to the point that sometimes I have to hold the railing with both hands. Diagnosis, anyone?

5. I have habits that started from books I read when I was in elementary school. I dot my i's with a circle, which I got from a book called Muggie Maggie by Beverly Cleary. Also, I say "Rabbit, Rabbit" on the first day of every month. I have no idea why, except that I read that in The Baby-Sitter's Club by Ann M. Martin. For some reason, it stuck with me and on the first of every month, I remember it...weird, hey?

6. I've never broken a bone or been stung by a bee. Consquently, I'm extremely afraid of bees.

So now it's my turn to tag. I will tag...Lyn, Kristin, Leah, Jenn, Becca, and Regan. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

6 weird things about me...
1. i don't have to wear deodorant cause i barely sweat
2. i say 'whynot minot' when ever anyone says the words minot, or why not anytime!
3. if i am eating chocolate pudding or cake i HAVE TO look at someone with tons of chocolate on my front teeth and say,,, is there something in my teeth??
4.i have to sleep on the inside of the room or be facing a door at night just because, i think i think someone is trying to get me, so jon has to protect me.
5. i put lotion on my hands at least 15 times a day
6. i pick at my nails all the time and i actually hate that i do it but i am obsessed by any little hangnail.

Anonymous said...

ok by the way gina those weird things are not weird... you have WAY weirder things about you.. we should do , let your friends tell YOU the weird things about you...
1. you HAVE to have a straw when you drink anything cause you have CRAZY sensitive teeth.
2. you are a bed wrecker and have to have your feet out of the covers at all times.. i THINK?
3. you are immaculate on the outside and a beautiful girl but your house and car are a DISASTER!!and i mean DISASTER!! walk in baby heels like this... deet deet deet deet deet, and swing your little arms and look all cute all the time.
5. i agree you are kind of a maniac cryer.. once you start.. there is no stopping you.
i guess that i one of my weird things too.. ehhehehh

Shannon said...

I remember watching Ellen Foster with you. I had no idea it was something you viewed on a regular basis. Next time you are down, call me. I'll join you with some two-bite brownies.