Sunday, April 1, 2007

Counting down...

Since it's April 1st today, the countdown to my birthday begins...15 days!!!

So, here's a countdown survey that I got from Bronwyn's blog.

10 Favourites
Color: pink!
Food: popcorn
Month: April—it’s all about my birthday!!!
Song: I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe
Movie: Pride and Prejudice--the A&E version…and Little Mermaid
Sport: Man…when the Blue Jays were on top, we were HUGE baseball fans!
Season: Spring
Day of the week: Sundays b/c I get to go to church and have some time to be with friends and…relax!
Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry
Time of Day: 10pm…cuz then it’s quitting time and I have an hour or two to come down from the day.

9 Currents
Mood: hopeful…that I’ll get all this work done in the next month!
Taste: raspberry jam
Clothes: pyjama pants, fluffy slippers, blue bunny hug
Desktop Picture: My sister and me at David Copperfield
Toenail Color: fuchsia
Time: 9:09 pm
Surroundings: my couch, laptop, coffee table, tv, desk…
Thoughts: “How is this movie going to end?” (I’m watching Happy Feet)

8 Firsts
First Best Friend: Rhonda Tumbach
First Kiss: I’m pretty sure that Willie Bachmier and I used to kiss each other…
First Screen Name: Blue Eyed Juliet
First Pet: Murphy…a wonderful wonderful Siamese cat who really made use of all of those 9 lives!!
First Piercing: Ears when I was 8.
First Crush: Mark Booker in grade 3.
First CD: I’m pretty sure it was Fantasy by Mariah Carey

7 Lasts
Last Drink: Last week when Dorian and I went to the Ivy Restaurant. We had some yummy Pinot Grigio
Last Bath: Mmm…a bath sounds good. It’s been awhile (I’m more of a shower girl).
Last Car Ride: to Shoppers and back
Last Kiss: Friday after Valentine’s Day
Last Movie Seen: Freedom Writers…and Happy Feet right now. FW was soooo good—you must see it. HF—not as good as I thought it would be. But cute.
Last Phone Call: Megan—a girl in my class about our unit plan—I really should get back to that.
Last CD Played: The Easter CD for choir

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: I don’t know about BEST, but yes, I’ve dated friends
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes…I have a need for speed. I don’t run stop signs though.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Wouldn’t you like to know?!?
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes…at a SADD conference
Have you ever been in love: yes.

5 Things
Things You’re Wearing: pyjama pants, blue bunnyhug, lime green Gapbody bra, and brown fluffy slippers
Things You’ve Done Today: went to church, went to lunch with ma peeps, had a nap, watched the Juno’s, worked on lesson plans
Things You Can Hear Right Now: the tv, Shannon walking around upstairs, the keys on my laptop, and Walter playing with a twist tie
Things You Can’t Live Without: laughter and hugs
Thing You Do When You’re Bored: bored??? I don’t have time to be bored!!

4 Places You've Been Today
1. TCU Place—that’s where we had church today!
2. Winston’s
3. my couch
4. Shoppers

3 People You Can Tell Anything To
1. Regan
2. Emma
3. Dorian

2 Choices
Black or White: Black—I look too pasty in white.
Hot or Cold: I’m an in between girl. I don’t like hot unless I’m in a pool or on the beach…or in an air conditioned house. I don’t like cold if there’s nothing I can do about it. But if I can cuddle up in a warm blanket then I’m good.

1 Thing you want to do before you die
Have a baby.

A side note...since I mentioned David Copperfield...he owns a string of islands called Musha Cay. Follow the's AMAZING!!!


Leah said...

You were in SADD? I used to be on the provincial team. I spoke at the Regina provincial conference in 1998 - if that isn't dating myself I don't know what would.

kristin janzen said...


i celebrate september as birthday month and my whole family and close friends hear about it everyday in sept until the 26th. i LOVE that its at the end of the month!

so i just checked out that island resort.... starting at $24,500 A DAY! hahah. hilarious. i want to be rich.

kristin janzen said...

p.s. read the "news review" on the website - looks like he has discovered "the fountain of life!"

Miss Gina said...

Leah-I was in SADD from grade 8-12!! I moved up the ranks from Secretary to Vice President to PRESIDENT!!! I wasn't at the provincial conference in 98-I think I was in grade 8 then. I went to one in Saskatoon when I was in grade 10 and it was AWESOME!! Did you guys have mock collisions?

Kristin--pretty amazing, hey? My sister and I are planning a trip to Musha Cay once one of us marries a really rich man.

Anonymous said...

i love that my name is at the front of the list. we've definitely had our share of cries and fun times girlie.. i totally enjoy you.
thanks for being such a good friend and nice girl.