Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Guess who's coming for dinner!"

So we had the coolest choir social on Sunday! It was called "Guess who's coming for dinner" and it was a very fun idea.

So you either sign up as a guest or a host and if you sign up as a guest, you indicate how many people who will be with you (children, spouse, significant other, etc.) and whether you'll be bringing a salad or dessert. Hosts are responsible for the main course. Then Pastor Blaine made up groups and decided where everyone was going. We didn't know anything until Sunday after the second service when Blaine handed us out our "sealed envelopes" which we had to open privately. All it had was the address of where we were going and a contact number. So guests didn't know who's house they were going to until the door opened. And hosts didn't know who was coming for dinner until they opened the door.

Blaine had put together the groups with the idea that we would all get to know people we didn't usually have a chance to spend much time with. I was at Colleen and Graeme's house (where I had just been for a games night the night before) with my friend Dale, two mezzo sopranos (who I already knew from when I used to be a mezzo but it was nice to spend time with them again), and a new girl who I didn't know at all. She's in highschool still and it was fun listening to her stories...I spend so much time with either people my age (or older), adults, and little kids, so it was fun being with a highschool student and hearing about all the dating drama, hopes for the future, etc.

All in all, a wonderful day. Great idea! (all you blurkers who are a part of the choir should comment and share your experience!!!)


Leah said...

I am not a blurker (because I comment all the time) but I will tell our story. Jonny, the kids and I went to Gail Fehr's house. Jonny hadn't been there since he was a kid because he was in youth group with her daughter. Also there was her husband Peter, other Peter Thorpe (?), Julie Schick(?), and Ang Wiebe. I didn't really know anybody there except my family so it was nice getting to know new people. ps. the food was awesome.

Miss Gina said...

That sounds like a good group! What did Gail make? We had lasagna and taco salad (that I made) and ambrosia and then ice cream cake and cheesecake for dessert.

Of course other people can comment too...especially you, Leah!!!

But I am calling out the blurkers too. I know you're out there.

Leah said...

Gail made pork tenderloin and veggies and cheese bread. I made a rice and artichoke salad. There was also a spinach salad and for dessert was a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese icing.

kristin janzen said...

mmm all this talk of food is making me hunnnnngry!