Saturday, February 3, 2007

Student one!

Today Amelia and I started our journey as student teachers. (we go again next Friday for the day and then for two weeks solid starting on the 26th) We were in a kindergarten class and OHMYGOSH those kids are so cute! I got a lot of "what's your name again?" and "teacher, can you help me zip this up?". One little girl left during gym class to get a drink w/o asking and so their gym teacher had to explain the importance of asking first. He told them to say May I and then ask their question. Well, I don't think they fully understood what may I meant b/c as soon as he was done talking a little boy asked, "May I can I go to the bathroom?"

So cute.

Today was a lot of observing and playing and helping with classroom management. 5&6 year olds have a LOT of energy!!! There's one little girl that doesn't talk much and she's really little and just so cute. She spent a lot of time by my side today, looking up at me everytime something was funny or surprising.

In other news...HOW ABOUT THOSE GROUNDHOGS!!! Spring is on the way. It sure doesn't feel like it, but hey, if all three groundhogs saw no shadows, I'm willing to believe and hope for an early spring!

Oh, and we had a really fun choir party last night! Here's some pictures!



Leah said...

Welcome fellow blogger. I will enjoy reading your blogs. I'll have to show you how to add a profile pic. Unless someone can explain it through an email. Im really more of a show than tell kind of person.

AlisonVeritas said...

Welcome to blog land!!! Yay!

arimich said...

Welcome to blogging! I was so excited when I saw Shannon's post about your blog. I definitely approve of the colour. :)

I'm glad you're having fun with your kids. I teach a kindergarten music class, and they're so funny. I have a lot of respect for someone who would spend all day with them, though; I get to leave at the end of class and go back to my 7th graders!

kristin janzen said...

Gina! yay for another blogger! i will add you to my links immediately! so much fun. well i had fun last night. it was lovely being a model beside you, although i only did it twice... i was enjoying watching ;)

Kevin said...
