Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time to get a little personal

I don't usually get very personal on here. I'm not quite sure why, since it's a pretty small group of people who read my blog. In any case, I haven't in the past, but now I'm going to share something that I'm rather proud about.

I've been on a weight loss journey this year. One of my EA's and I joined Weight Watchers and 5 months later, I've lost 40 pounds! I've still got a ways to go, but it's awfully motivating to know that I can actually do it now!

Here's a picture of me from this summer, before I started losing weight.

Here's a picture from a few days ago, 40 pounds lighter!


Anonymous said...

40 lbs! That's amazing, Gina. Good for you!

arimich said...

Congratulations! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! that's awesome! I know how hard losing weight is, so you should be VERY proud of yourself!

Shannon said...

Woohoo sister! So pround of you.

tmosh said...

holy crap way to go Gina! You've done a great job and in only 5 mos, thats crazy! Nice work on the new blog design too :)