Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

So, we've been doing an All About Me unit in Social Studies and last week we were learning about our fingerprints. Yesterday, I brought a really great selection of cookies to school and made a big deal about them to the kids and told them that if they were super good all day, we would have a cookie party after last recess. All day I kept on reminding them; I really wanted to build up the excitement about the cookies.

I collected fingerprints from all the staff on a sheet. When the kids went out for last recess, I had the principal "steal" the cookies and put a bunch of his fingerprints on transparencies around the room. Then my EA and I had way too much fun messing up the room to create a crime scene. We moved the desks all over and tipped some of them on their sides...we threw paper all around and scribbled all over the chalkboards. When the kids came in, they were shocked. They discovered that the cookies were missing and then we had to solve the mystery. They compared the fingerprints around the room to the staff sheet and figured out it was the principal. Very enthusiastically, we all went down to his office and retrieved the cookies.

It was a blast.

For most of the kids, anyway. One of my grade 1 students was quite concerned about the whole situation. When everyone started saying they thought it was the principal, she came to me quite concerned and said, "But it just couldn't be him. He would never mess up the room like this...look at the boards!" (It was way cuter in person...she's really tiny and has a speech impediment on her r's).

After the whole thing was over and I had explained that the whole thing wasn't real, my EA was talking to the same little girl to make sure she understood it was a joke. She looked up at Angie (my EA) and said, "Ya, but I was really fooled! My legs were tinglin' and that's how I knew I was really scared!"
(Seriously, say it outloud with w's for r's).

I hope she's not scarred for life!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gina! It's Whitney! I saw that you had a blog and added it to my daily blogs list.

Anyway, this post made me want to go back to elementary school. You sound like an awesome teacher! What a great idea.

Joe said...

How adorable!

And that was a fantastic idea! Great job all around.

Miss Gina said...

Whitney! How come I haven't bumped into you lately? Don't you ever shop at the Glaslyn Co-op??

Joe-It really was a lot of fun, though I can't claim artistic licence on the idea. It was my friend Annette's idea.

Jenna said...

aww what a little cutie!! I did say it out loud, and you sounds like a very fun teacher.

Shannon said...

Gina, you are brilliant. That is the greatest idea ever. And an adorable story.

Anonymous said...

You are a GREAT teacher!! These stories make me want to be in your grade one class! haha They sound like a really lovable bunch of students. They're blessed to have you!
