Monday, October 22, 2007

A story in pictures

We have a new roomate, Laura.

Laura has a dog, Arrow. She's a border collie and so well behaved and we love her.

There is, however, the issue of Walter. They're still getting used to each other...last night was the closest they have come to becoming friends.

Walter has just come around the corner and has noticed Arrow on the floor.

Arrow is such a good dog and listens to Laura when she tells her to stay. Walter and Arrow size one another up.

Arrow stays still as Walter approaches. They are almost close enough to sniff each other!

Walter appraises the situation and deems it safe enough to relax. A little.

And then Walter loses interest.

But we convince him back into the room where Walter and Arrow come almost nose to nose!!!

Now it's time for Walter to relax. An excellent effort for the first night on both their parts. Good work, pets!


pinknest said...

lol! hilarious! arrow's such a good pup. i hope you continue to document!

Joe said...

Well, I'm sure that Waler was exhausted after all of that, and deserving of the rest.

But Arrow seems like a great dog!

Miss Gina said...

She really is a good dog! I've never seen a dog stay so still in the presence of a cat! I mean, she definitely wanted to move, but she listened very well to Laura!