Monday, October 8, 2007

My Thanksgiving in pictures

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!

What a wonderful welcome home to my parents' house. A great start to the weekend!

Walter had a hectic weekend, as you can see.

The lovely table set for the lovely feast.

And then naptime for daddy-o.

I arrived home in Saskatoon to a lovely surprise! Gramma had bought me groceries!


Joe said...

Would your parents consider doing something like this for me were I to stop by for the American Thanksgiving holiday?

Jenna said...

Sounds (and looks) like you had a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I bought those two leaf mugs. They make me happy everytime I use them. They match my kitchen so well. And they make me think of you because we were together when I bought them. Isn't shopping wonderful!

pinknest said...

happy thanksgiving! what were those big mugs full of?? looked yummy.

Miss Gina said...

Joe--I'm sure they would be delighted to...although I think for the price of the plane ticket, you could probably hire someone in NY to do it for you!

Jenna--I did. It was very relaxing. And there was some excellent food!

Mom--Yes, shopping IS wonderful. Especially when you find something so great without even looking for it!

Pinkest--I would wish you a Happy Thanksgiving back, but it would be awfully early! I'll save it for November. The mugs were full of yummy hot chocolate.