Wednesday, May 16, 2007

He's growing up!

Remember this little guy?

That was my cousin Colton at a couple weeks old, and here he is at almost three months old! We had lunch for my Grandma's 80th birthday the other day, and Rachel brought Colton. Oh how I love him. Sooooo precious.

Like really, could he BE any cuter??

Colton with my Gramma. I can't believe she is a Great-Grandma!!

Oh...My...Gosh. I just...he's so...ack! He's so cute!

Momma and baby.

Colton got tired of all the girl talk so he took a nap.

Oh how I love babies.


pinknest said...

omg CUTE baby!!!

Miss Gina said...

Yep, pretty darn cute, that one!