Sunday, April 29, 2007

Working 9 to 5...

Actually, I've been working 10 to 5:30 but that doesn't really fit in with the song. As Tuesday is the first day of May, we will begin our regular summer hours...9-9, so I'll be working a lot more evenings. Most, actually. Plus Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Fridays all day at the flower shop. Busy.

And now, a gratuitous picture of kittens.

In other mom is adorable. She tries to use sayings and cliches but tends to get them mixed up. She once told someone that I was a "chop off the old shoulder..." Usually her mix ups are a combination of a couple of different sayings. The latest, I think, is an absolute original:

"No use reinventing the frog!"


Just Me said...

That is enough kittens to kill Tim (he is allergic). Speaking of Tim, you should ask him what they call those kindof sayings at work. They have a whole list. If you say something like that, you get "written up".

Leah said...

Did your cat have babies or is this just a random cat picture?

kristin janzen said...

ohhhhhhhhh cuuuuuuuuuute!
how could anyone hate cats? i love them. i want that little orange one in the top left corner. oh my. how cute.

Miss Gina said...

Jenn--when I was in the drama department, we used to write down the dumb things that people said on this poster in the student your kids will never have a cat, hey? Is he allergic to dogs too?

Leah--just a random picture. It's from My cat is a boy.

Kristin--I love the black and brown ones. Oh, and I also love the only awake one that looks like he's thinking, "ummm, this is way too many kittens in this little space." Actually, I just love them all. I want a kitten again! Or a baby.

pinknest said...

ah, kittens! and i love those phrases of your mom's.

Just Me said...

Ya, no cats. He isn't allergic to dogs, however I doubt we will have one of those either. If I wanted another kid, I would have one :)

Miss Gina said... mom's pretty great. We told stories about my mom's lines at their 25th anniversary and she was laughing sooo hard.

Jenn--maybe they could have some fish??