Monday, April 16, 2007

Wonderful Day

Well, today was my birthday and it was a wonderful day. I feel very loved.

I wrote a final in the morning which was easier than I was expecting and then went out for lunch with some people from my classes.

Darcie's birthday was yesterday, so we were celebrated her as well. Here are the two birthday girls!

Oh, and I spilled a sangria all over the table and on Susan's jeans and Darcie's cast. And I couldn't have spilled just any, I had to spill the fruitiest drink that would of course be the stickiest. OOOPS!!! So for the rest of the lunch they kept moving drinks away from me whenever I was telling a story (I talk with my hands...I get that from my mom).

Then I went shopping and then off to Blossoms for some carrot cake and my boss surprised me with a LOVELY birthday arrangement.

And to Colleen's for the main celebration. There were about 15 of us...Colleen made chicken lasagna and Leticia made a yummy salad and Jenn made a Saskatoon/rhubarb crisp and brought a banana cream pie. Soo good!

I got some wonderful presents...a Starbucks gift card, the new Hillsong United CD, some yummy body wash and lotion, money, coffee, an upcoming trip to the ballet this Thursday, and the gift of shopping in the form of a gift card for Sandbox in the City! Oh, and a beautiful card from Taryn...this girl makes the best cards!

So, it's now the end of the day and I am very tired and very happy. I just want to thank everyone so much for the lovely phone calls, messages, comments, emails, cards, and gifts.

"I thank my God every time I remember you...since I have you in my heart." (Philippians 1:3,7)


Leah said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a most wonderful day. I also hope that you have a great time at the ballet if I don't get to talk to you before then.

Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday, I found your blog through Joe's blog.

Leesa said...

So nice to feel loved.

pinknest said...

happy birthday!! i would've spilled the sangria, too. or at least have gotten it on me.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday girlfreind! I can't believe the year has gone by so fast! It sounds like you had a great day. Good luck with the rest of your exams! Take care:)

Anonymous said...

sorry, I didn't mean to show up as annonymous...

Anonymous said...

Happy very belated birthday, Gina. I'm glad you had a nice day!