Sunday, April 22, 2007

I support the Arts!

Okay, so the ballet. It was beautiful. It was a ballet to Handel's The Messiah and it was absolutely beautiful. It was all in white. The floor looked like white marble, the side curtains were white, the backdrop was white, there were white benches at the back of the stage, and they were all dressed guessed it...WHITE! Very heaven-like.

We were in the third row close to the centre, which was the closest I've ever sat to the stage at a big show like this, so I was very excited. The singing was by Greystone choir and the Saskatoon Symphony was playing. The dancing was...amazing. Because there are so many different movements in The Messiah, there were a lot of different duets, solos and ensembles, so when dancers weren't dancing, they were sitting on the benches at the back of the stage, which was really interesting.

It was especially exciting since we just sang the Hallelujah Chorus at our Christmas concert this year, (speaking of which, Leon, one of our guest soloists, is experiencing some impressive success with Destino, his hot singing group! Check out this story! They even call him their secret weapon!) although I was disappointed they didn't do Worthy is the Lamb--one of my favourites from The Messiah. There were also some other songs that I knew, like For Unto Us--which I recognize from you know where!

Overall, a wonderful experience!

Oh, and we ran into some friends of mine who are expecting a baby in September! I just heard she was preggo, and then there she was, looking gorgeous with her little baby bump!

I don't know if this will count as enough of a new post for Leticia, since I told her all about the ballet on Friday. She wasn't happy when she came home from Vancouver to a post about chicken noodle soup...haha.

She said she likes when I post pictures, so here are some gratuitous pictures of some peeps (and Walter). Anything for you, Teesha!!!

Jenn and Teesh at Moxie's from Colleen's birthday. Teesh and Ky, though they've never met, have something in common...that they often make silly faces when pictures are taken! Kindred spirits, I guess.

Best buds Dale and Cordell. This is at Calories one night...I think Cordell is trying to get Dale to pose for the picture by force.

Gord wearing his wife Tracy's jacket. Lookin' good...

My sister Shannon and me at David Copperfield in January. He made a car appear on stage.

Walter. It looks like he's winking.

p.s. I wanna send a shout out to Renee, who recently identified herself to me as a blurker! Hi Renee!


renee said...

Haha - thanks for the shout out - I love it when that happens! Nice pics by the way - I love checking(read: lurking on) blogs with pictures. Happy belated birthday to you too!

Just Me said...

Nice pics! I am glad that you had a great time at the ballet!

pinknest said...

looks fun! i love it when guys put on women's jackets. lol!

Miss Gina said...

Renee-You're welcome! I added you to my "people I know" links! I had no idea you had a blog! Good luck with the search for the perfect kitty!

Jenn-It was wonderful. The next time something like that is in town we should have a girls' night out!

Pinkest-He had a whole little dance that he did too! Very funny.