Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How do you like them apples?

A lot, actually. I looove fruit, especially a good orange, or banana, or in this case, an apple. I just finished eating a really good apple that reminded me of the yummy crabapples from this tree in my parents' yard. I loved eating those little apples...when they were good. But what I didn't like was having to pick them up from off the ground. So many of them would fall and then we'd have to pick them all up...bags and bags and bags full. It was a tedious and sometimes gross task because you'd go to pick up an apple that appeared to be intact, and then you pick it up and the whole bottom side is smushy and gross. Yuck.

But, my mom would cut up the apples and then freeze them to make yummy things like apple crisp, apple jelly...yummm. The best thing ever, though, is my mom's peach jam (which has nothing to do with the crabapples). If you've never tasted it, you are missing out on a WONDERFUL experience. Hey mom, do you have any of that kicking around? My toast is crying out for your peach jam!

Okay, now that I've blogged about fruit, back to studying.


Leah said...

My mom used to make crab apple cider with our apples. Served hot with a cinnamon stick, yumm!

Jenna said...

Hey Gina
I'm going to add you as a link on my blog, so I hope that is alright

Miss Gina said...

Leah--Apple Cider...mmm, maybe I'll run by Tim Hortons for some on my way back to the school!

Jenna--of course! I'll add you on mine too!

pinknest said...

ah, now i've got my daily fruit in. i want some jam. gimme!

Joe said...

That's funny. Your mom used to make me go out and pick up peaches and mail them to her. Good to know that she put them to use.

Just Me said...

We have an aplle-crab tree at home. Mom and I would cut the apples up for yumtastic pies...one year, we cut so many apples that she ended up with nerve damage on her second finger from holding the knife too long. It took a year for the numbness to go away!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I love that you put that photo up. Seriously.

Shannon said...

My favourite of our mother's fantastic creations was the rhubarb stew. I seriously think I remember eating nothing but rhubarb stew from when she made it until it was gone about three days later.

Miss Gina said...

pinknest--I should send you the recipe. It's seriously soooo good.

Joe--Are you the tooth fairy too?

Jenn--Oh you...mentioning pie on my blog. Oh how I love pie.

Ky--whatever are you talking about? I simply posted it because it's a great picture of the crabapple tree I was talking about. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the two hot boys kissing me!!

Shannon--mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I think mom's rhubarb stew is one of my favourite things in the whole world. If it's in the house, that's all I want to eat!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is getting close to rhubarb season. Peaches aren't available until end of July. I think I might be motivated to make both delights but you will have to come home to get them.
Who says bribery isn't an effective parenting technique?

renee said...

I really like the title of this post. I've said it on occasion and it is extremely satisfying! (Nice pic too, btw!)

Miss Gina said...

Mom--I'm dreaming of being at home with no cares in the world...lying in the sun on your wonderfully fluffy couches...

Renee--ya, I've never REALLY know what that saying meant...

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