Friday, October 22, 2010

Father and Daughter

Dad and I are both teaching Grade 1 Math this year, in different schools of course. I was telling my principal and he suggested emailing the Bulletin (The STF monthly publication). A couple of weeks ago, one of the writers visited my classroom on a day that Dad and I had set up our classes on Skype to chat and ask each other some math questions.

Here's the article! Page 7.


Mom said...

Great article Gina but I am kind of annoyed by the number of mistakes it has about your Dad. The communication between them went awry I guess. The picture of you is wonderful. You look fabulous!

Miss Gina said...

Me too, and I didn't think the article was very well written. VERY wordy and misuse of the word "ironically." It is NOT ironic that Mr. P came in at the end of class. It's neat, but it's not ironic.

Hopefully the story in the Leader Post will be better.

Auntie Elaine C said...

I just read the Leader Post article. The picture there is of your dad. I am impressed!

Unknown said...

Wow.. that is a great article. what a cool thing to do and i can just hear you and your dad saying the things they quoted. so great to be able to do that!