Friday, April 23, 2010

New Old!

Today I was super excited to wear my "new" jeans to school--they're actually old jeans from when I worked at GAP. They haven't fit me in about 3 years! And, if I do say so myself, (and obviously I am) my bum looked GREAT!

On another note, isn't it weird how you can get so tired of eating one thing and yet eat another all the time and never get sick of it? I LOVE green beans. I have been eating green beans 2 or 3 nights a week every week since September and even still, when they're cooking, I can't WAIT for them to be done so I can eat them!

That's all I've got for today. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

That must be a great feeling to fit those jeans. I've been saving some jeans of mine hoping to fit into them again one day. As for the green beans, I think I feel the same way about steamed asparagus. yum!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to my lovely daughter. I think you look great no matter what size you are but I am happy, happy, happy for you!