Tuesday, March 30, 2010


As a teacher, being sick is so much work. In what other profession do you have to plan out your day to stay home? And even more so as an elementary teacher, as I pretty much have to plan out my day minute by minute.

Well, I just got home from planning my third sick day in a row. Tomorrow I will sleep in and then go to the hospital to get my throat checked out. I have a bump in the back of my throat where my tonsils are. Or rather, where they aren't, as I had them removed when I was 6. Then they sort of grew back when I was 12ish. Bet you didn't know they could grow back, did you? Apparently if some tissue remains, they can regenerate. So, is that what's going on again? All I know is I feel like I'm trying to swallow a tennis ball.

And I don't even play tennis.


Anonymous said...

Could be strep throat too. That's what it feels like when you have strep. Especially if its accompanied by fever and chills. Hope you feel better soon!

Miss Gina said...

It doesn't feel like the last time I had strep but I dunno...they did a throat swab so I guess I'll find out!