Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Canmore Christmas

I know. It's February. Better late than never, right?

We stayed in a beautiful condo in Canmore for Christmas (try saying that 5 times fast!). This was the view out our windows.

With all the food and stuff we brought along, we didn't have room to bring a tree. I found this tree in the Christmas store in Banff, so I bought it and we decorated it. The Starbucks ornaments are my favourites.

Someone wrote this festive message on a bench downtown. So I took a picture of it.

On one of our walks, we came across this duck. Actually, he came across us. We were just walking and he was flying above us and as soon as he saw us, he swooped down into the snow beside us. Luckily, we had bread with us as we were on our way to find and feed some ducks. This is the first of MANY duck pictures. These ducks were awesome.

I don't know why these videos won't fit in the border. Oh well. Enjoy.

On our way back from feeding ducks one day, Huey spied an adventure. There was a little island of ice with a branch going across the creek. Being the adventurous sort, he set off across the branch.

Don't fall! That would be cold.

So proud.

Then he made a giant snow angel.

Back home again. Dad and Zack are so cute.


Anonymous said...

That looks like you had a good Christmas. I miss your family. They're so great.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! What a gorgeous view! Looks like you had such a wonderful time!