Thursday, January 14, 2010

Call me boring, but...

I love vanilla. It's true. Given my choice of chocolate or vanilla, 9 times out of 10 I would choose vanilla. I love its richness, its scent, and the creaminess of it.

I like it by itself.

Has anyone else noticed that it's being added all willy-nilly to make all kinds of strange combinations? It's made this huge comeback! It's everywhere!! I would have thought that this perfume would have killed it forever, but I guess it's been long enough that people have forgotten...or at least forgiven.

Anyway, today I saw a juice flavoured--get this--"Apple Vanilla Pear." What? Seriously. Doesn't that just sound weird??

Anyone brave enough to try it, report back here with the conclusion.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the vanilla! I love it and prefer it over itself...mmm.

Shannon said...

Ha! I knew it would be Vanilla Fields. Too funny.

prairie nymph said...

I also prefer vanilla to chocolate. but cinnamon is better still...
aren't chocolate and vanilla both just beans?
remember vanilla coke?