Monday, October 19, 2009

You mean teachers DON'T live at the school?

It's always funny witnessing different students' reactions to seeing their teacher outside of school. Some kids' parents have a lot of teacher friends, so seeing teachers out of school isn't a big deal. Other kids have older brothers and sisters, so the whole teachers as real people is an old concept for them.

Tyler's mom invited me over tonight for a jewellery party. Tyler was happy but underwhelmed to see me there. 3 or 4 more of my students were also there playing in the basement and thought it completely normal that I was around. Sarge, however, is the first of his siblings to go to school and I don't think his parents have many teacher friends. When Sarge saw me, he just kinda stared at me and waved. Then he turned to Tyler's little brother and whispered, "Hey, Tim, that's my teacher." Tim just said, "Ya, I know." Then Sarge grabbed Dallas' arm and said, "Dallas, did you see who's here? Look, look who it is!" And of course, he thought he was being quiet but everyone could hear him and all the moms were giggling.

So just to set the record straight, no, we don't live at the school and yes, we go grocery shopping just like everyone else.

Just in case you didn't know.

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