Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to school

Yikes! It's almost been 2 months since I blogged last! What can I say? It was my first summer vacation as a teacher.

It was wonderful.

And busy! When school was done, I spent a few days here in the Village tidying up my apartment and my classroom. Then I went to Saskatoon to pick up my sister Shannon and we went home to my parents' house for mom's birthday. We stayed for a couple days and went back to Saskatoon. I spent a couple nights there before leaving on my big trip.

It was wonderful.

I took my time getting out to Vancouver. I stayed a night catching up with Lynnie C in Edmonton, then I spent a day and night in Jasper (where I did my part in supporting their economy!) and then I crossed the border into BC. I spent a night with some friends who just moved from SK to BC, and then I finally got to Vancouver!

I spent about 10 days in Vancouver and it was so great. I was staying with one of my best friends, Emma, who worked during the day while I did my shopping and shopping and sightseeing, (yes, I know I said shopping twice...I really did a lot of it!) and then we kicked around together in the evenings.

I left Van. on the 17th of July and drove to Calgary and then back to my parents' house. We drove to Moose Jaw the next day to meet my sister and Arizona Grandparents, where we spent the weekend doing the tunnels and drinking milkshakes and yes, more shopping. My parents and Grandparents went back to my parent's house for the rest of the week.

It was wonderful.

I was so enjoying relaxing that I stayed for a few days longer than I was planning! I think I would have stayed another week, but I had a meeting in Saskatoon.

So I went to Saskatoon for a few days, and then I was off with my friend Colleen to Pioneer Girls' Camp for a week!

It was wonderful.

We had such great weather and it was SUCH a lovely group of girls this year. Other than our furry friend who kept visiting (think Winnie the Pooh) (but that's a whole other blog for later), it was a seamless, fun week.

Then I was back in Saskatoon for a few days, where I squeezed in some last visits with friends, and then I was back to the Village by the 15th of August! I spent the last week planning for the school year and working on my classroom and now we're back at it! We started on the 24th and students started on the 25th, so we've already had 4 days of school!

So overall, my summer was...wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I am really liking the layout that you've got going here.

It's great to have you back in bloglandia!

LynnieC said...

Hurray!! Best visit ever!

Kristin Janzen said...

Wow, sounds like a great summer. I did the whole Victoria - Vancouver - Calgary trip thing too, except for very different reasons, and I was only going one way :) It's good to be back on the Prairies. Glad you're back to blogging!