Monday, June 29, 2009

T-Minus 5 days!

I'm supposed to be packing to leave The Village for the summer, so's the perfect time for a blog!

I'm off to Saskatoon to pick up my sister and then we're off to my parents' house to celebrate mom's birthday and then...Ginger and I are heading west! In 5 days! Here are my travel plans:

Saturday, July 5th-leave Saskatoon in the am and travel to Edmonton. Have supper with LynnieC and crash at her place.

Sunday, July 6th-leave Edmonton and travel to Jasper. Do stuff in Jasper. Stay overnight.

Monday, July 7th-leave Jasper and travel to Salmon Arm, BC to see newly moved friends Karen and Garrett and baby Ezekiel. Supper, stay overnight in their camper.

Tuesday, July 8th-leave Salmon Arm (very weird name) for VANCOUVER!!! Emma!!!

Wednesday, July 9th-Wednesday, July 15th...hang out in Vancouver. Plan to see Aquarium, zoo perhaps, Stanley Park, Auntie Brenda and Uncle Garry, hopefully hop over to Victoria to see more family, have sushi, go to the opening of Harry Potter 6, and other fun stuff!

Thursday, July 16th-leave Vancouver and make a loooong day of traveling to Calgary. Stay overnight.

Friday, July 17th-leave Calgary for Saskatoon or Leader...haven't decided yet.

Any suggestions for must-sees in Vancouver/Victoria or along the way?


Unknown said...

one of my most memorable days in Vancouver (that can be repeated) is going to Granville island... if you haven't been there, I would say it's a "must see" - hope this helps :)

and if my some miracle you get go through Kelowna, it's worth a visit, too! Let me know if you want ideas for what to do there - 'cause it's pretty much my fave vacay spot in Western Canada so far, and I only spent 2 days there!

Miss Gina said...

Thanks, Steph! I will definitely check out Granville island!

The Wisper said...

Buchart Gardens in Victoria!

Unknown said...

i heard Sushi Garden is pretty good - near the Metrotown mall. Also heard that the Japa Dogs are something to try for. It is a hot dog stand somewhere - you might have to look it up. maybe you can rent some bikes and ride it along the Sea wall. Also - Kits beach!!

Have fun in Vancouver!! I hope the weather is nice!

tmosh said...

The Enchanted Forest outside? Revelstoke! cheesey but still a cool idea....:) have fun with Gingah!