Sunday, March 8, 2009

Appliance Attachment

My microwave died this weekend. I was heating up some leftovers when it flickered like there was a power surge. I stopped it and when I tried again, the same thing happened. Boo. Lukewarm leftovers for me. I left it unplugged overnight and tried again change. So, I guess it didn't actually die, but rather malfunctioned.

I got that microwave for free. My friend Regan and her husband bought a house in Saskatoon that had belonged to 2 elderly, unmarried sisters. Their family had decided to move them to a home, so they were selling the house. Regan and husband told them that if they wanted to leave anything (there were a lot of antiques in the house), that they would take care of it in an estate sale. The idea, obviously, was to hopefully score some items that could bring in a bit of extra cash.

Unfortunately, the family of the sisters took advantage of the offer and left SO MUCH JUNK. Like, they took clothes and some knick-knacks, but they left everything else. Records, clothes hangers, beds...even food in the cupboards. The pantry downstairs was clearly left untouched and Regan and I spent a long evening cleaning it out. We found old letters, containers full of old pill bottles, almost empty paint cans, old cleaners...along with a lot of spiders. Gross. We probably filled up 10 garbage bags full of junk.

Anyway, as a reward for my work, Regan gave me the microwave the families had left. Regan and Jon had one already, so they didn't need it. It was practically new and has served me well for the past few years.

I already don't like the new one. It's not as pretty. And it doesn't have any memories attached to it.


RTAs said...

Do you remember the microwave we had? It was older than you but got the job done. I used it until last year, when I finally gave it away.

Miss Gina said...

They don't make appliances like they used to!

I finally used up that jumbo roll of stupid Saran Wrap last year!!

Unknown said...

I remember that saran wrap! haha! :)

Anonymous said...

well i haven't read in awhile but that brought me back to the good ol days. my fave part of all that was the kleenex boxes labelled... "Anne's kleenex" and hangers with Mary's name on it. oh ya and the bags of old stale choc bars that said the date; Oct '92 that was great. sorry that Mic conked on you!!