Sunday, February 8, 2009


I overheard the following conversation in the hallway last week between two Kindergarten students. They were just coming in from recess and Mrs. N was telling them to hurry up because they had to get to an assembly.

T: Hurry up, B! Assembully! Assembully!
B: What's an Assembully?
T: I don't know, but we sure have to hurry!!

And now, some pictures.

Oh sad, yellow bamboo. Why are you dying?

New pillows! Hooray for pillows that make my place look more grown up!

And new sheets, compliments of my mother. They're flannel and so cozy. They make it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

I have this huge, blank wall in my kitchen that finally has some adornment. You can't really see the pictures, but they're kind of kitchen-y. The fruit in the frames are too high, but they're a huge hassle to move. I love my new clock, even though the Roman numeral is wrong for the 4. It says IIII instead of IV.

One of my students has an alpaca farm and they've started making pet pillows, stuffing them with alpaca fibre. They gave me one for Christmas for my Walter. He loves it.

Emma painted me this for Christmas. I love it.


Anonymous said...

The place looks great!

Joe said...

Look at you with the decorator's touch. If this teaching thing doesn't work out, you can always do that for a living.

Miss Gina said...

Thanks, Ky! It's slowly coming along. One of these days I would really like to tackle the flower power wallpaper. Yuck!

Joe, I've had a lot of input from my mom but yes, I do enjoy it! I never would have thought I would!