Saturday, January 24, 2009

Credit Hassle

I don't own a credit card. I didn't ever get one during university because I didn't want one while I was living paycheck to paycheck, especially when each one of those paychecks could be vastly different from one to the next. Plus, well, frankly I didn't trust myself with a credit card.

But now I live in a village, quite isolated if an emergency ever came about, AND my paychecks are steady and consistent. So, in July before I moved, I applied for a card through my bank. And then I waited for the exciting bit of plastic to arrive.

And I waited...

and waited...

and waited.

I called them about 2 months after I applied and was assured that I would get it within the next 10 business days.

So I waited.

Another 6 weeks later, I received a letter. No card. They were writing to tell me that they needed additional info from me. So I called to find out what kind of info. I spoke to a woman on the phone who said she reviewed my application and they had all the info they needed and the letter must have been sent by accident. Oh, and I should have my card within the next 10 business days. Ya. I've heard that one before. But, what else is there to do but wait?

And wait.

And, no word came in the next 6 weeks, so I called again (doing my level best to supress my frustration) to ask why the heck I don't have a card yet. Well, the lady on the phone said after checking my account, because we sent you a letter and we're waiting on additional information from you.


I politely excused myself and hung up. (Really, I was polite. I don't believe in being rude to customer service reps when they are only the bearer of bad news). A couple weeks ago, I called my bank and asked them to check it out for me, since I was getting nowhere with these people. I got a letter from my bank this week that said: "Today I spoke with a representative about your application. She indicated to me, that since so much time had passed since your initial application, your file was closed. So you will need to complete a new application."

Oh my gosh.

Well, back to square one!


Bronwyn said...

Wow. That is so typical. Sheesh! Better luck this time.

Shannon said...

Good for you for hanging up politely. I would have burst into tears on the phone and asked why this was all so ridiculously hard. Unless I didn't care too much about the card, then I'd have just told them they were lame.

tmosh said...

don't ever apply at your own bank for a credit card they are stingey- go somewhere else - hopefully with a lower interest rate - pc financial anyone?- they will sign you up over the phone and you will have that card in no time!

Joe said...

Not to worry. Soon your mailbox will be filled with people trying to give you money.

Miss Gina said...

May-B--Thanks! I just couldn't believe they said too much time had passed when THEY were the ones who made me wait!

Shannon--I didn't cry till after I hung up.

Tanys--I ended up reapplying but I followed your advice and also applied for a pc financial card! Hooray!

Joe--I've had lots of offers, but most of them either had a high interest rate or a yearly fee. And I'm thinking, why should I pay THEM to take my money in interest?