Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random update

I was doing so well with the posts and then...oops! Haven't posted since November!

I dunno...I don't really have anything to say! I'm into the Twilight books now and I'm a teensy bit addicted! Good thing there are only two more for me to read.

I'm pulling into the last few days before Christmas. I'm so looking forward to having the break. I'm going to spend a full week at home relaxing and scrapbooking...and baking, perhaps? I also have a wedding to go to and then I don't know about New Years...I've had a bad few in a row, so I don't really look forward to it. I think I'm cursed*.

6 days of school left. I can't believe it. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was still in university and now I'm 6 days away from Christmas break as a teacher! Oh, and 5 school days till the Christmas concert and a LOT of work left to do!

Here's a cute story. Last week 2 of my boys had a bit of a collision in gym class and one of them ended up with some bent glasses. Garry was pretty upset about him and another boy, Blake, was trying to console him as we were walking down the hallway. He asked Garry if he was going to be able to see at recess without his glasses. When Garry answered "not very well," Blake asked, "Garry, are you illegally blind?"

I bit my lip and kept walking.

*I don't actually believe in being cursed, but I've had a bad run of luck with New Years Eve's for the past few years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess your New Year's Curse could be all based on your expectations of it going in. I guess I never expect it to be super great. I prefer my New Year's to be fairly laid back. Just a quiet night playing games with a few friends. No big Parties here. If that sounds appealing to you you're more than welcome.