Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is this world coming to???

Okay, so all of this text talk and internet lingo has been bugging me for quite some time now. LOL drives me crazy...people use it when things are only mildy amusing...for situations where they would not ACTUALLY laugh out loud. This comic expresses my thoughts on that.

Plus, I think it makes people sound immature and stupid. Sorry to be so harsh, but there it is.

There are all kinds of text/typing acronyms that drive me crazy, but LOL is the worst.

Today, though, I saw something in a Facebook comment that blew me away. In the comment, instead of typing OMG, which stands for Oh my God, the girl had typed:


Are you kidding me? Now we're taking abbreviations and making them longer? How stupid are people getting?



Anonymous said...

Dude, I wholly agree with you. I would punch LOL in the face, if I could. Or even worse, LMAO. "NO YOU AREN'T," I feel like shouting at those people.
Although, while I started by writing out the actual sounds I'm making ("Hahahahahaha"), I found that I started using that even when I wasn't laughing out loud. So maybe I'm a hypocrite on this one.

Unknown said...

yeah, I get the whole theory on lol being an exaggeration, but what should we say when emails and texts can be so easily misinterpreted? *mildly amused* or *entertaining* or *aren't you cute?* ? I think it's just us being lazy... and I hope I don't get punched in the face the next time I use it! (that was me trying to be cute) -- I almost put a smiley face up here, but I gave it a second thought!

on the other hand: "ohemgee"???? seriously???? I won't argue with anyone about the stupidity of THAT!

Joe said...



Miss Gina said...

Ky-You and I should definitely never meet this guy I heard about this summer. Apparently, he actually uses the abbreviations when he's talking to people. He'll be having a conversation and if something is funny, instead of just lauging, he'll say LOL!

Steph-Ya, I don't know the solution, I just know how I feel. I think before the rise of LOL, we said things like "that's funny" or "just kidding", etc. I think laziness is definitely the issue! You ARE cute!

Joe-I just KNEW you were going to be the one to make that joke!