Monday, October 27, 2008


I was just commenting on my sister's blog about age and it reminded me of a funny moment from a couple of weeks ago.

Tiffany, one of my grade two students, came to me and told me it was her dad's birthday that day.

"Oh!" said I, "And do you know how old he's turning?" (I only asked because I thought she wouldn't know but would make up an age).

"51," Tiffany quickly replied.

I turned to my EA to find out if it was accurate. It was.

My dad's 52*. My dad and my student's dad are almost the same age. I'm almost 20 years older than Tiffany, but our dad could be friends.

*Sorry for revealing that to the world, dad. It was necessary for the story.


Joe said...

It's a different world...

I'm amazed that a few men at my job have recently become fathers in their late 40s and early 50s. I graduated college before my parents reached that stage.

Shannon said...

Did you tell dad? I wonder if it will make him feel any better?