Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The only thing to fear...

So one of the other teachers ran into the school first recess almost in tears. There was a garter snake on the playground and one of my students was waving it around. Turns out said teacher is terrified of snakes.

It's amazing how someone else's fear can give you courage. I marched out to the playground to stand guard near the snake and sent a student in to get the caretaker. I knew everyone would want to see it and I didn't want someone else to wave it around and for half the school to end up in tears! So I was brave and stood by the snake, of which I am also terrified.

Of course, the snake was dead, so perhaps my courage stemmed from the fact that I knew it wouldn't jump at me.

Had it been moving, I would probably have pushed past the first teacher and run to the staff room and locked it!

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