Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anger Management

So, today I was trying to plan my week and I came up with some ideas that I needed some books for. I didn't need anything else in NB but I didn't really want to change my plans so I decided to go into North Battleford to get these books at the public library. There IS a library in town here, but it's only open Tuesday mornings (so that doesn't work for me) and Thursdays till 5 (but I needed the books before Thursday). So, I went online to check the hours but there is NOTHING on the Lakeland Library website except for the catologue. So I called the library. No answer. But the recording said they were open till 5.

Okay, here we go.

I drove the 35 minutes to NB and went straight to the library. Stood in line. Got to the counter and asked to get a library card. The guy at the desk went to find someone else because he didn't know how to do that. A lady walked up and informed me that they don't issue new accounts on Sundays. Really. I explained that I tried to call first but there was no answer. Oh, she said, we don't answer the phones on Sundays.


So I explained that I came all the way from Glaslyn and I'm a new teacher (trying to play the educational card) and I need these books for my lessons for the week. Oh, she said. Well if you're from Glaslyn you have to sign up for your card there. That's Lakeland Library policy.

I walked out.

All of that information would be helpful to publish somewhere. You know, make information AVAILABLE to the public. Like, on a website maybe. What a concept.


Shannon said...

Seriously, if you are at work during working hours you should answer the phone. That's retarded.

Anonymous said...

aaahh honey that is a terrible story. so dumb... policies that need to be broken. next time i'll meet u in NB and we'll do coffee!!!