Friday, May 30, 2008

Would have been nice to know!

So, I had a subbing day today in a town that I could hop into a carpool to get there. When we were about 1/2 an hour out of the city, one of the teachers I was driving with asked me if I knew what activity I was running for Track & Field Day.

"It's track and field day?" said I.

*long pause* "They didn't tell you it was Track & Field day?"

Nope, they sure didn't! So I was wearing a nice sweater, black dress pants, and high-heeled sandals. Great.

AND I was doing the ball throw. On a shale ball diamond. Great.

I did manage to score a school t-shirt that I could change into. No shoes, though, so I went barefoot for most of the day. And even though my lovely dress pants are caked with layers and layers of shale dust, it was still a really fun day.


Joe said...

That's one of the many reasons I don't wear high-heeled sandals...

renee said...

In the words of Adam Sandler "this information would have been useful YESTERDAY". Glad to hear you had fun and survived the day, in spite of wearing dress clothes!

Miss Gina said...

Joe--I'm glad that's not your ONLY reason!

Renee--I love that movie. We should watch it sometime. Perhaps with Ezekiel!