Monday, April 7, 2008


After 7 loooong years of university (wow, I must be nuts...7 YEARS!!) today was my last day of classes.

It was a bit anticlimatic, as I still have assignments due and 4 finals, but NO MORE CLASSES. I never have to go to classes again and listen to what other people think about what THEY think is right for all classrooms. I mean, I've had some really good classes, but at this point, I just want to be in the classroom. Teaching my kids. In my own classroom!!! MY OWN CLASSROOM!!! (I say it, but I still can't believe it).

I'm working on one of my final assignments tonight. I'd better get back to it. I bought some NIBS to keep me up, and wow, they're so fresh. Have you ever had really fresh NIBS? They're amazing.

Okay. Back to it.

You watch this. I'll get back to work.


Bronwyn said...

That was precious!!

renee said...

Gina - congrats on being finished!!! And that teaching certificate of yours looks pretty cool - how nice to finally have it in your hands!

That video is adorable - I had to watch it twice!

Adrianne said...

Your own classroom!!! I am so happy for you Gina!!!!!

Joe said...

Congratulations! What are you going to do with all of your free time?

Oh..that's right. You're a teacher now!

Miss Gina said...

The way that cat looks when he rubs his face is how I feel right now. Only I can't roll over and go back to sleep.

*sigh* One more week. One more week.