Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh ya...

I'm done university.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

MY classroom

I recently made the trip up to Glaslyn to meet my students and see my classroom for the fall. Here's a pan of pictures around the room. Not a bad room...lots of storage space. There are a few things I'll change, namely laying down a carpet for a story area. So, if anyone has an area rug they're looking to get rid of, let me know! Anyway, here it is.

This is where I'm thinking of putting the story carpet. If I could move the computers to where the bookshelf is...but then where do I put the bookshelf? Or maybe the computers could go on top of the bookshelf?? Hmm...

My desk and crazy awesome amount of storage! That's the current teacher who's retiring.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I woke up to about a foot of snow on my car today. It's freaking April 19th! After working for ten minutes to get into my car (the door was frozen shut), I got into my car and drove to Preston Crossing. I almost slid through the intersection ON CIRCLE DRIVE and when I got to Preston Crossing, the parking lot was like a skating rink.

Seriously, it's April.

Yesterday, I was wearing short pants and flip flops. Today, a parka, bunnyhug (hooded sweatshirt for you Americans), long pants and winter boots.

Only in Saskatchewan.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I can do it...

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday, and it was lovely to take a day off of studying, guilt free!

I was getting my nails done yesterday by my friend's mom, and she was asking about finals and when I'm done all my assignments and tests. I said on Tuesday (the 22nd). "Oh wow, 6 days!" she said! I expressed that those 6 days might as well be a month for what I have left to do and she said, "Well, God created the whole world in 6 days."

She's right. He did. AND, on the 7th day he rested. I'm looking forward to that 7th day. I can do it...

Monday, April 14, 2008

This is neat.

Go here. It's the blog of an art student in Vancouver. Her final exhibition idea was to make a huge (54 feet!!) Waldo (as in Where's Waldo) on the top of a building to be seen by Google Earth.

Okay. Back to work.

One more full day and then I get to take a WHOLE day off on Wednesday! (because it's my birthday on the 16th).

Monday, April 7, 2008


After 7 loooong years of university (wow, I must be nuts...7 YEARS!!) today was my last day of classes.

It was a bit anticlimatic, as I still have assignments due and 4 finals, but NO MORE CLASSES. I never have to go to classes again and listen to what other people think about what THEY think is right for all classrooms. I mean, I've had some really good classes, but at this point, I just want to be in the classroom. Teaching my kids. In my own classroom!!! MY OWN CLASSROOM!!! (I say it, but I still can't believe it).

I'm working on one of my final assignments tonight. I'd better get back to it. I bought some NIBS to keep me up, and wow, they're so fresh. Have you ever had really fresh NIBS? They're amazing.

Okay. Back to it.

You watch this. I'll get back to work.

Saturday, April 5, 2008