Saturday, March 15, 2008

T-Minus 2 days

(what does T-minus mean?)

till my interview in the village. That's right, it's a village. 400 people, so it's even smaller than the town I grew up in!

Originally, I wasn't sure if I would really want this position, were it offered to me. I was talking to my mom the other night, though, and she said, "It sounds like you're talking yourself into wanting this job."

And maybe I am.

I dunno, I guess I need to see the school and classroom first and get a feel for the place. This future stuff, it's scary.


Joe said...

Hey! That's today!

Good luck!

Adrianne said...

May whatever happens be because that is where you need to be. Its okay everything works out for a reason.

I hope you get it!!!

Miss Gina said...

Thanks, guys! I'm looking forward to it!