Saturday, January 19, 2008

Seriously, this kid is the cutest.


The last time I babysat him, he was 8 months old. He's now 1 month away from being a year old and he's grown so much in the last three months! He's taller and even cuter and quite independent. We played and then we watched Madagascar (he's in love with that movie) and he ALMOST fell asleep in my arms but something woke him up and there was NO way he was letting himself fall asleep again!

John (his dad) taught him how to fake cough, so that's his newest thing. John figures it'll come in handy when Colton gets older and needs to call in sick. Oh, and I taught him to say "yum yum." I taped him while I was feeding him spaghetti because I remembered how funny he was last time when I was feeding him. Seriously, he looks like he's cheering every time he takes a bite and I caught him saying yum yum and doing his fake cough thing.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and the video!


The only thing better than spaghetti in my mouth is spaghetti in my hair!

Trying unsuccessfully to get a picture of us together. He's being all camera shy.

Such a man.


And the video:


Joe said...

What a cutie pie!

Miss Gina said...

He sure is! He definitely makes time go quickly when I'm there and he gets cuter every time I see him!