Thursday, January 31, 2008

At the risk of getting controversial...

I have to say that I am compeletely disgusted by this story. Here's another link. These two baby girls were left to freeze in the -50 degree night because their daddy was drunk. Don't get me wrong, I can't even express how badly I feel for this man...he has to live the rest of his life knowing that he took his daughters' lives. But there it is, he took their lives. While they were under his care, he got so drunk that he blacked out and can't even remember if he set his baby girl down in the snow or if he dropped her, as he let his three year old walk in the snow in nothing but a daiper and t-shirt. He shouldn't have even taken them outside for a minute in that weather dressed like they were (or undressed, as it was) and then he left them.

Why is it that when someone picks up a gun and shoots someone, we hold them wholly responsible...but when someone gets drunk and then crashes a car and kills someone, they get their licence taken away and fined? It seems to me that if you want to commit a crime, get drunk first because then they'll blame it on the alcohol.


Being drunk should NEVER be a defense. I don't know what the solution is, but I just don't think that a person should be exused from any responsibility or the consequences that follow because they were intoxicated. When you have two, very young children under your care, you have no business drinking so much that you could even get close to that stage.


Adrianne said...

OMG that is so sad. I have no pity for the father, I don't he cared more for drinking than the wellbeing of his children.

tmosh said...

well said Gina!