Thursday, January 31, 2008

At the risk of getting controversial...

I have to say that I am compeletely disgusted by this story. Here's another link. These two baby girls were left to freeze in the -50 degree night because their daddy was drunk. Don't get me wrong, I can't even express how badly I feel for this man...he has to live the rest of his life knowing that he took his daughters' lives. But there it is, he took their lives. While they were under his care, he got so drunk that he blacked out and can't even remember if he set his baby girl down in the snow or if he dropped her, as he let his three year old walk in the snow in nothing but a daiper and t-shirt. He shouldn't have even taken them outside for a minute in that weather dressed like they were (or undressed, as it was) and then he left them.

Why is it that when someone picks up a gun and shoots someone, we hold them wholly responsible...but when someone gets drunk and then crashes a car and kills someone, they get their licence taken away and fined? It seems to me that if you want to commit a crime, get drunk first because then they'll blame it on the alcohol.


Being drunk should NEVER be a defense. I don't know what the solution is, but I just don't think that a person should be exused from any responsibility or the consequences that follow because they were intoxicated. When you have two, very young children under your care, you have no business drinking so much that you could even get close to that stage.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Okay. I love the song, but this is ridiculous. To say it's cold outside in Saskatoon is a ridiculous understatement. With the windchill it is currently MINUS 51 DEGREES CELCIUS. For those of you tuning in from farenheit country, that is -59.8 degrees farenheit. Do you even know what that feels like? I do, and it's not fun.

I'd like to say that I am a fairly positive person but seriously, all optimism is gone when it's this cold.

I like to call this weather stupid cold. It's much colder than freezing cold, even colder than freaking cold. In Saskatoon tonight it is STUPID cold tonight.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My sister's in New Zealand

and I'm stuck here shoveling snow.

In other news, my baby is beautiful.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Seriously, this kid is the cutest.


The last time I babysat him, he was 8 months old. He's now 1 month away from being a year old and he's grown so much in the last three months! He's taller and even cuter and quite independent. We played and then we watched Madagascar (he's in love with that movie) and he ALMOST fell asleep in my arms but something woke him up and there was NO way he was letting himself fall asleep again!

John (his dad) taught him how to fake cough, so that's his newest thing. John figures it'll come in handy when Colton gets older and needs to call in sick. Oh, and I taught him to say "yum yum." I taped him while I was feeding him spaghetti because I remembered how funny he was last time when I was feeding him. Seriously, he looks like he's cheering every time he takes a bite and I caught him saying yum yum and doing his fake cough thing.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and the video!


The only thing better than spaghetti in my mouth is spaghetti in my hair!

Trying unsuccessfully to get a picture of us together. He's being all camera shy.

Such a man.


And the video:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pictures of pictures

So I FINALLY printed off some recent pictures to put in the gazillion (okay, like, 14) frames that I have. And when Dad was here, he put up my shelves that have been waiting to go up for a year and a half. Anyway, I'm so pleased with the way it turned out, I thought I'd share some pictures...of pictures.

I narrowly avoided a disaster with one of my classes. I'm eternally indebted (althought I haven't told her yet) to a girl in one of my classes for catching my mistake. She was talking about EdPsych 390, one of the classes required for graduation this spring. I was confused, because I thought 390 was called Exceptional Learners, and I thought, Isn't the class we're in right now called Exceptional Learners? In fact it was.

When I was registering for 390, I was scrolling through the sections offered and found one at the PERFECT time called "Exceptional Learners & Classroom Implications." So I registered for it and was enjoying the class and the prof. Well, it just so happens that 390 and the one I signed up for, 414, have almost the exact same title. So I wasn't registered for a class required for graduation and had Jocelyn not said something and confused me, I may have gone through the whole semester and then been, well, screwed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't fit 390 into my schedule (well, I could but it would require me taking it on Tuesdays & Thursdays and right now I only have Mon.Wed. classes and am not willing to give up that schedule!) so I'm taking it online. I'm a bit confused about how that whole thing works, though, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm no quitter!

Well, it's the 8th of January and so far I am right on track with my New Year's resolutions! I know that's only a week, but still, there have been years when I haven't even kept them for 2 days!

It's back to school at the university and so far I am enjoying my classes (I've had them each once).

I promise to blog more soon. Don't give up on me!

In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures of my newly cleaned and organized place.

My new mahogany bookshelf. Love it!!!

Close up.

My desk...I haven't seen that desktop for awhile!!

Walter likes it too.