Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm a songwriter!

So, the grade one class is doing a play for the Christmas concert called "Santa Needs to Lose Weight" and the grade one teacher has been trying to find a song to go with it. She's been stressing out about it, since she's not really musical. So today I thought, I could write a song.

So I took the tune of Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer and VOILA! Here it is! (starting at the part that goes You know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen...)

He's had choc'late and brownies,
drank milk and ate cookies.
Though warned by the doctor,
from diets played hooky.
He's round like a ball...
and he's raising his cholesteral!

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to lose some weight!
He can't fit down the chimneys.
The gym is going to be his fate.

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to exercise!
He'll get stuck in the chimneys-
And then you'll really hear his cries!

Since last foggy Christmas day,
Mrs. Claus said to him,
"Santa with your blood pressure high-
Won't you do some jazzercize?"

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to lose some weight!
This year instead of cookies...
Put out veggies on the plate!

Now imagine 20 grade 1 students singing this song! They're going to be sooo cute!