Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Two days.

When I started my internship in late August, it seemed like my internship was going to last forever. Four months seemed like such a long a good way. Like I had lots of time. Now my internship is two days away from being over and I can't believe it. I just can't imagine not seeing my kids everyday and sharing our time together. I just can't believe that in two days, I won't see them anymore, except on a visiting basis. I couldn't have asked for a better internship. My co-op teacher was so excellent and the class I got, well, they're amazing. I really have fallen in love with them over the past four months.

I was always expecting this part of my internship--the leaving part--would be extremely difficult, but it seemed so far away.

Well, today my crying began. A mom of one of my girls was at school today to help with an activity and told me a story about what her daughter said last night. They were talking about Christmas and told her mom, "I don't even want Christmas to come this year, Mom. Because it means Miss Smith has to leave."

I had to leave the room.

Monday, December 17, 2007

At least he's honest.

During last recess today, one of the grade one boys came running out of the room looking for a teacher. "Teacher, Preston was trying to throw a pencil at my eye!"

I walked into the room to a defeated looking Preston. "Preston," I said, "did you try to throw a pencil into Cameron's eye?"

With a sigh, Preston replied, "Ya, but it wasn't very sharp."

You kinda gotta admire the kid's honesty.

Oh, and I was helping a student at her desk today and she was looking at the girl in front of her. "Teacher, how come Samantha's bike rack is always showing?"

It took me a minute to figure out what she was asking. She meant butt crack.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm a songwriter!

So, the grade one class is doing a play for the Christmas concert called "Santa Needs to Lose Weight" and the grade one teacher has been trying to find a song to go with it. She's been stressing out about it, since she's not really musical. So today I thought, I could write a song.

So I took the tune of Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer and VOILA! Here it is! (starting at the part that goes You know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen...)

He's had choc'late and brownies,
drank milk and ate cookies.
Though warned by the doctor,
from diets played hooky.
He's round like a ball...
and he's raising his cholesteral!

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to lose some weight!
He can't fit down the chimneys.
The gym is going to be his fate.

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to exercise!
He'll get stuck in the chimneys-
And then you'll really hear his cries!

Since last foggy Christmas day,
Mrs. Claus said to him,
"Santa with your blood pressure high-
Won't you do some jazzercize?"

Santa's too fat this Christmas,
He really needs to lose some weight!
This year instead of cookies...
Put out veggies on the plate!

Now imagine 20 grade 1 students singing this song! They're going to be sooo cute!

Monday, December 3, 2007

This kid is a genius.

So today I was reading to my grade 2's a story set in Mexico. The author throws in Spanish words here and there and then double dashes the translation (Padre--father). He used the word casita to describe the family's home and I explained to my students that casa means house in Spanish and the author has added -ita to the end to tell us that it was a little house.

Later in the story a burro--donkey--is mentioned. Without missing a beat, Christopher piped up and said, "I know what a little donkey is in Spanish...

A burrito."

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I dunno...

I don't know what it is...I just don't have much to write about these days. I mean, I'm busy and lots is going on, but I just don't have much to say!

Any ideas???

I could blog about the soup I'm eating right now, but the last time I did, Leticia wasn't impressed.