Saturday, November 24, 2007

Just like a car wreck.

High School Musical 2 is currently on T.V. Why am I watching it??? I can't believe how dumb it is but I'm even more amazed that I haven't turned it off. It's been on for over an hour.


Just Me said...

I was so mad last week that HS musical 2 won for best sound track over Hairspray on the AMA's!

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Megan said...

Gina, just to make you feel a bit better about not being able to turn it off... my daughter is 7 and absolutely addicted to all things HSM. i have committed both movies, songs and dialogue included, to memory. So it could be worse. However, I'm sure you would be considered very cool by your students if you wandered the halls singing HSM tunes.

Everyday Matheson said...

I haven't seen either of them,
but from what I've heard, the first one is better than the second one.