Saturday, November 3, 2007

Define this...

I'm wondering how people define high maintenance (like in a person). I'm going to leave this on here until I get at least a few definitions, so you might as well comment!


tmosh said...

From Wikipedia,

High maintenance[1] is a term which, according to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, was popularized by When Harry Met Sally..., an American film released in 1989.

As a slang term, it may refer to individuals who require an unusual amount of personal attention or who expend substantial amounts of money or time on their physical appearance. It is not always disparaging, and some may describe themselves as high maintenance. The antonym is low maintenance.

The term has been applied to personal grooming in many species of organisms,[2] homeostasis,[3] racing bikes,[4] Border Collies,[5] plants,[6] relationships,[7] women,[8] Volkswagen,[9] and many other subjects.

High Maintenance is also the title of a robotics-themed,[10][11] multiple-prize-winning,[12] nine-minute short subject film produced in 2006.


Leah said...

Someone who is vane, enjoys materialistic possessions (and MUST have them), generally puts themselves ahead of others, need to have their way or the highway, needs to be treated like a princess at all times.

Miss Gina said...

Thanks for weighing in, TMo & Leah! Keep them coming, people!

Joe said...

Someone who requires a ton of time and attention; who is never satisfied with what thay have, and is forever focused on what they want. In general, the person is very self-centered. This goes for emotional as well as financial needs and desires.

Just Me said...

See-I personally don't think that it needs to be as negative as Leah says. I think that it is a person who cannot leave the house without being 'done up'. Someone who has the make up, the nails, the heels, the (usually) bigger hair. Typically they put immense time into their appearance. However, I have to say that I don't think that that term should be applied to everyone that generally looks put-together. I think that it might be more of a state of mind too.

Shannon said...

I think of it more as someone who needs a lot of attention in a relationship - although I definately agree that it can refer to appearance. But a guy or a girl who need a lot of gifts or compliments or reassurance are the high maintenance ones.