Monday, September 17, 2007

Punishment stinks

Today I had my first big conflict with one of my students.

Aaron was swinging his ruler around and I had reminded him a couple of times that he needed to put it ON his desk and get to work or I would take it away. He continued, so I walked up to take it away and he wouldn't give it to me. I asked nicely a couple of times and then I said, "Aaron, I warned you twice. Please give me your ruler NOW." SO HE THREW IT ON THE FLOOR. And then he proceeded to do no work for the rest of his math period.

So when it came time for the class to go to gym, I kept him back* while Mrs. S took the rest of the students. I HATED to do it, but he needed a consequence for his behaviour. And man oh man...was he EVER mad at me. It sucked.

*on a sidenote, I don't endorse the practise of taking away gym from kids, especially now that kids are being less and less active. However, the punishment needed to be something that would be meaningful to him and it was the only choice at the time.


Just Me said...

I like your disclaimer :)

Leah said...

Try taking away an activity from one of your own kids (when it was something that you yourself really wanted to do).

renee said...

Good for you for sticking to your guns. Like I said on Sunday, consistency (as you already know) is what these kids need. Way to be a woman of words AND action.

pinknest said...

i would've been excited to be taken away from gym. haha.

kristin janzen said...

haha, i agree with pinknest! but yah that would be hard to do as a teacher! i'd feel so bad. i'm not very good at discipline. luckily its not really something i have to worry about at this point in my life! i just read the boob story, OH MY GINA, that is freaking funny!!!!