Saturday, September 8, 2007

The newest installment of...

Quotes from kids!

Okay, so the first one was this past Wednesday. It was Wacky Hair day and Lyn* had awesome hair. She had ponytails all over and then one, thick braid that was wired sticking straight up. EVERYONE was commenting on it and naturally, she was parading around the playground just lapping up the attention. She walked up to me and another teacher and with a big sigh, she said, "I hate being so popular!"

The second one was from storytime. Mrs. S always tells the kids that she needs their eyes and tummies facing her. So she had said that and one of the girls said, "My tummy is STARVING!!!" A bunch of other kids said the same thing and then Gabe pipes up and says, "Mine's tummy is nocturnal."

The last one was from the first day of school. Mrs. S was reviewing beginning consonants and I was sitting at the back. Gabe sits at the back of the room and he turned around to me and said, "We did way more than this at my last school in grade ONE!" With a roll of his eyes, he added, "I'm WAAAY smarter than this."

I'm sure you are, Gabe...most grade two kids don't know what nocturnal means!

School is going really well. The staff is great and the kids in our room are so cute. My co-op teacher, Mrs. S is awesome and we're getting along really well. I've taught a few lessons and they've gone longer than they were supposed to but overall they went well. My college supervisor is coming on Monday to observe me, so I'd better go and get my lesson all ready!

I haven't posted photos for awhile so here's some for you to look at!

This is my baby Walter at four years old. He's so pretty!

This is my baby Walter as a baby. I can't believe he was EVER this tiny!

*names of students have been changed


Shannon said...

I am very excited to hear more quotes from Gabe. I can already tell that he's going to be my favourite of your kids.

Megan said...

So funny. Nocturnal? What Grade 2 student talks like that?

renee said...

Walter is so cute!