Thursday, September 20, 2007

I did it!

I just made up my very first Math Test! My students will be writing this tomorrow, but I'm not telling them that it is a test, as such. It's a "special assignment they will work on by themselves so I know if we need to spend more time in the unit."

Here it is! The formatting may be a bit wonky on here, but you'll get the idea!

Name: _______________

1. Look at the following picture and answer the questions.

Are there more worms or ladybugs? (circle your answer)

Are there more ladybugs or spiders? (circle your answer)

Which bug is there the most of?

2. Look at the picture and answer the question.

3. Print the numbers AFTER.

9 _____ 16 _____

4. Print the numbers IN BETWEEN.

13 ____ 15 10 ____ ____ 13

5. Print the numbers BEFORE.

____ 8 ____ 11

6. How many cents do I have?

7. Complete the following number sentences.

11 12 13 ____ ____ ____ ____.

8 7 6 ____ ____ ____ ____.

8. Who has more cookies, Miss Gina or Mrs. Lynn?

(here there will be pictures of cookies in a box and we have already said that a box holds ten. I have one box and 5 extra cookies and Mrs. L has two boxes and two extra cookies.)

9. Ted has more cookies than Bobby. HOW MANY MORE cookies does Ted have?

(Here there will be a picture of Bobby's cookies--nine of them. Ted has a box of cookies and two more.)

Well, bloggers, I hope you all did well on that little test!


pinknest said...

this is stressing me out!

Miss Gina said...

Pinknest--Calm down...this isn't for a grade on your report card it's just so I can see how much you know! Plus, you're going to do great!

Jenna said...

ok i did your test and it was fun.

renee said...

V. nice Gina. Hey - when are you finished class tomorrow (Mon)? I'm heading out around 7:30 for Karen's shower . . . just thought if the timing worked, we could drive together.

Joe said...

I circled the things you asked me to, and now I have ink all over my monitor!

Miss Gina said...

Joe--I guess I have to be clearer in my instructions for those "special" students.

renee said...

You are Little Miss Creative! (And I just posted new pics!!)