Monday, September 3, 2007

Beatless Nick

This is a great video by my friend Heather's sister y'all should watch. Then go to CBC Exposure and vote for the video. She has made it really far in the contest...a lot further than anyone not from Ontario or BC has made it!! She has the chance to win an entertainment deal for up to $25,000! Here are the instructions:

1. Go to and register for an account. NOTE: You need to use an email address when you register. Do not use a Hotmail address. It's filter blocks the confirmation email (because of the word exposure). It won't even make it to your junkmail. So if you have another email, use it!

2. Once you've received your Confimation Email, click the link and head back to the site! Go to the main page and click on her film!

3. Hit the blue VOTE button on the top banner above her film. A confirmation message will appear right above it. If it doesn't, make sure you're logged in. NOTE: Rating is not the same as voting.


Joe said...

How cool is that? I'm heading over to vote now.

Miss Gina said...

I know, hey? She's quite talented. I think voting might be closed now, though... I think hers was in a different league than the rest of the finalists...they're just not up to her par! (except maybe the video about hearing loss)