Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oh ya!

K, so I just remembered. I was doing dishes just now and thinking about yesterday and all of a sudden it came to me. It may not have been worth all the hype, just a story I wanted to share.

So yesterday at school we had Art in the Park. It's an annual event at the school where all the elementary classes prepare art and craft to sell to parents. Basically, the parents just end up paying for their own kids' work ($1) each but it's some fundraising for the classes and it's a way for kids to feel pride in their work.

So anyway, we had to make a bunch of hotdogs to sell for lunch. I was in the Resource Room cutting buns and we had a few students helping us. There was this one kid, Dylan, and he's super smart and knows a lot about pretty much everything...but he has a little bit of trouble focusing sometimes and he's SUPER chatty. He kept on getting distracted and some of the other teachers were getting frustrated, so I said, "Hey Dylan, do you wanna have a quiet contest with me?"

He didn't speak a word for probably 25 minutes. Who knew kids still fell for that?


I was going to blog about something that I thought of as I falling asleep last night.

But now I forgot what it was.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mya's Milestone

That sounds like a good title for a book.

I am at the school right now, working on my plant unit that I'm starting on Monday but I just had to share a quick little milestone.

Mya is my car. Yesterday as we were driving home from Biggar, her mileage hit two hundred twenty-two thousand, two hundred twenty-two.

222, 222!!!!

Hooray for Mya! I was so excited we took a picture (on Devone's phone) and I called Dorian. He was in class.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I did it!

I just made up my very first Math Test! My students will be writing this tomorrow, but I'm not telling them that it is a test, as such. It's a "special assignment they will work on by themselves so I know if we need to spend more time in the unit."

Here it is! The formatting may be a bit wonky on here, but you'll get the idea!

Name: _______________

1. Look at the following picture and answer the questions.

Are there more worms or ladybugs? (circle your answer)

Are there more ladybugs or spiders? (circle your answer)

Which bug is there the most of?

2. Look at the picture and answer the question.

3. Print the numbers AFTER.

9 _____ 16 _____

4. Print the numbers IN BETWEEN.

13 ____ 15 10 ____ ____ 13

5. Print the numbers BEFORE.

____ 8 ____ 11

6. How many cents do I have?

7. Complete the following number sentences.

11 12 13 ____ ____ ____ ____.

8 7 6 ____ ____ ____ ____.

8. Who has more cookies, Miss Gina or Mrs. Lynn?

(here there will be pictures of cookies in a box and we have already said that a box holds ten. I have one box and 5 extra cookies and Mrs. L has two boxes and two extra cookies.)

9. Ted has more cookies than Bobby. HOW MANY MORE cookies does Ted have?

(Here there will be a picture of Bobby's cookies--nine of them. Ted has a box of cookies and two more.)

Well, bloggers, I hope you all did well on that little test!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Punishment stinks

Today I had my first big conflict with one of my students.

Aaron was swinging his ruler around and I had reminded him a couple of times that he needed to put it ON his desk and get to work or I would take it away. He continued, so I walked up to take it away and he wouldn't give it to me. I asked nicely a couple of times and then I said, "Aaron, I warned you twice. Please give me your ruler NOW." SO HE THREW IT ON THE FLOOR. And then he proceeded to do no work for the rest of his math period.

So when it came time for the class to go to gym, I kept him back* while Mrs. S took the rest of the students. I HATED to do it, but he needed a consequence for his behaviour. And man oh man...was he EVER mad at me. It sucked.

*on a sidenote, I don't endorse the practise of taking away gym from kids, especially now that kids are being less and less active. However, the punishment needed to be something that would be meaningful to him and it was the only choice at the time.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


This story is really better in person it is in blog form.

So the other day I was in the hall with two of our struggling readers working on a family booklet. At the end of the story, I was asking Tiffany what her family looks like and then I turned to Andrew and asked him about his family. He was telling me about his brother and sister and that he is going to be having a new baby brother soon. "Oh!" I said, "is your mommy having another baby?"

Andrew--"Ya, and the baby comes out her BUTT!"

Me, not wanting to explain female anatomy but also not wanting to let him continue thinking babies come out of a woman's bum--"Well, it doesn't really come out of her bum...right now the baby is in mommy's tummy, is her tummy getting bigger?"

Andrew--"I don't know."

Me--"Because mommies get a bump on the tummy when they are having a baby."


Saturday, September 8, 2007

The newest installment of...

Quotes from kids!

Okay, so the first one was this past Wednesday. It was Wacky Hair day and Lyn* had awesome hair. She had ponytails all over and then one, thick braid that was wired sticking straight up. EVERYONE was commenting on it and naturally, she was parading around the playground just lapping up the attention. She walked up to me and another teacher and with a big sigh, she said, "I hate being so popular!"

The second one was from storytime. Mrs. S always tells the kids that she needs their eyes and tummies facing her. So she had said that and one of the girls said, "My tummy is STARVING!!!" A bunch of other kids said the same thing and then Gabe pipes up and says, "Mine's tummy is nocturnal."

The last one was from the first day of school. Mrs. S was reviewing beginning consonants and I was sitting at the back. Gabe sits at the back of the room and he turned around to me and said, "We did way more than this at my last school in grade ONE!" With a roll of his eyes, he added, "I'm WAAAY smarter than this."

I'm sure you are, Gabe...most grade two kids don't know what nocturnal means!

School is going really well. The staff is great and the kids in our room are so cute. My co-op teacher, Mrs. S is awesome and we're getting along really well. I've taught a few lessons and they've gone longer than they were supposed to but overall they went well. My college supervisor is coming on Monday to observe me, so I'd better go and get my lesson all ready!

I haven't posted photos for awhile so here's some for you to look at!

This is my baby Walter at four years old. He's so pretty!

This is my baby Walter as a baby. I can't believe he was EVER this tiny!

*names of students have been changed

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Beatless Nick

This is a great video by my friend Heather's sister y'all should watch. Then go to CBC Exposure and vote for the video. She has made it really far in the contest...a lot further than anyone not from Ontario or BC has made it!! She has the chance to win an entertainment deal for up to $25,000! Here are the instructions:

1. Go to and register for an account. NOTE: You need to use an email address when you register. Do not use a Hotmail address. It's filter blocks the confirmation email (because of the word exposure). It won't even make it to your junkmail. So if you have another email, use it!

2. Once you've received your Confimation Email, click the link and head back to the site! Go to the main page and click on her film!

3. Hit the blue VOTE button on the top banner above her film. A confirmation message will appear right above it. If it doesn't, make sure you're logged in. NOTE: Rating is not the same as voting.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy September!

Rabbit rabbit.

If anyone can tell me what that's a reference to, I'll give you a thousand points.

Tossing and turning

So, it's been a crazy busy and overwhelming week with not a lot of sleep and a lot of being sick. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look down a few posts). So I REEEEEALLY wanted to sleep in this morning...

Stupid telemarketer or something called three times before 9am. Are you kidding me?!? I wasn't happy.

But now I'm eating a piece of toast with my mom's strawberry freezer jam and I'm in heaven.