Saturday, July 7, 2007

I feel pretty, oh so pretty...

I'm being ironic. I feel exactly the opposite.

I have an eye infection and my left eye is all puffed up and red. It makes it difficult to see, which means no driving. I'm stuck in my house.

I look awful.

I would take a picture and put it on here, but I'm not quite that self-deprecating. Plus my digital camera was stolen a few weeks ago when my car was broken into.

Sorry, no pictures. You wouldn't want to see them anyway.


Leah said...

So there is like three more blogs since the last time I looked (which I didn't think was that long ago). But I have a comment for each of the new blogs.
#1 - I heard that, that Greek restaurant has belly dancing shows while you eat. That would be something to see.
#2 - That is very cool about the birds. It's kind of sad that they left though. I think it would be lovely if they started like this little birdy colony in your greenhouse and became your friends.
#3 - I HATE eye infections. I once had really bad pink eye when I was little where my eye would goop up in my sleep. I now have a real fear of not being able to see. I hope you feel better soon.

Joe said...

Then again, you may just be the one to bring the puffy-eyed look to Canada. Don't be afraid, Gina! Be a trendsetter!

Kerilyn said...

I hope you get better that is of little faith like what the service was about on Sunday :P I KNOW you'll get better soon!
Take care :)

Miss Gina said...

Leah--If we went to Jilla's for supper she could give us a belly dance too!

Joe--you would just love that, wouldn't you? Then you Americans would have one more thing to make fun of us for. I see your plan...

Kerilyn--I AM starting to feel better. Sounds like it was a good service that I missed!

Leah said...

Then what are we waiting for - let's go to Jilla's.