Saturday, June 16, 2007

Midnight Madness

I just got home from working 15 hours.

I'm tired.

But wait...there's a story.

So every year at the greenhouse, we have a HUGE sale mid June called Midnight Madness. On a chosen Saturday night, we put on these amazing sales in every department. We're still open all day, but starting at 7pm we have all of these sales and we stay open till midnight. We make popcorn and lemonade...we have music...we have ALL our staff scheduled. Then we have a party after we close. All of our customers look forward to it; our parking lot is full and we have crazy line ups.

The date for this year's Midnight Madness was SATURDAY, June 16th. We always put an ad in the SATURDAY Star Phoenix that simply reads "Midnight Madness 7pm to Midnight TONIGHT at [the greenhouse]".

The Star Phoenix ran the ad today...FRIDAY.

So we are doing Midnight Madness twice.

Consequently, I worked 9-5 at the flower shop and then went straight out to the greenhouse till midnight. CRAZY!


1 comment:

Joe said...

Ugh...I can only imagine how exhausted you must have been. Hopefully you survived.